Private Nachhilfe - Skype
Dieser Kurs steht allen zur Verfügung, die ihre Sprachkompetenz in kürzester Zeit verbessern möchten. Sie können auch entscheiden, wie viele Stunden pro Woche Sie buchen möchten, oder Sie möchten Ihren Kurs mit einem anderen Studenten teilen.
Extra Intensive 20h + 5h
Enthält 4 Gruppenstunden von 45 Minuten plus 1 Nachhilfe pro Tag. Es ist unser intensiver 20-Stunden-Kurs kombiniert mit einer zusätzlichen Privatstunde pro Tag.
Extra Intensive 20h + 10h
Enthält 4 Gruppenstunden von 45 Minuten plus 2 Stunden Nachhilfe pro Tag.
Lage der Sprachschule
Hochqualifizierte Lehrer
Alle unsere Lehrer sind Griechisch-Muttersprachler mit einem Master-Abschluss, der sich auf das Unterrichten von Griechisch als Fremdsprache spezialisiert und sehr erfahren ist.
Vor Ihrer Ankunft
• Sie erhalten alle Hilfestellungen / Hilfestellungen bezüglich des am besten geeigneten Kurses oder der Kombination von Kursen, die speziell auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und Interessen abgestimmt sind.
• Sie erhalten alle erforderlichen Informationen auf Ihre bevorzugte Weise (E-Mail, Telefon, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype usw.).
• Sie erhalten alle The Lamda`s Project Dokumente, die Sie benötigen, um sie zu lesen, zu unterschreiben und an uns zurückzusenden (Unterkunftsregeln usw.).
• Transport (wenn gewünscht)
• Anmeldung kurzfristig
Im Lamda-Projektzentrum
• Sie erhalten unser Unterrichtsmaterial
• Sie haben Zugang zu unserer Leihbibliothek
• Sie können zu uns kommen, um sich persönlich beraten zu lassen (Admins oder Lehrer)
• Kostenloser Wi-Fi-Zugang
• Informationen zu Ihren Interessen (Museen, Ausstellungen, kulturelle Veranstaltungen, Bars, Clubs, Restaurants usw.)
Nach deinem Unterricht
• Sie können in Ihrer Freizeit an unseren Indoor-Aktivitäten teilnehmen
• Sie können an unseren Stadtführerbesuchen teilnehmen
• Sie können an unseren Outdoor-Aktivitäten teilnehmen
• Sie können an unseren geplanten Exkursionen und Ausflügen teilnehmen
Anzahl der Klassenzimmer
Soziale Aktivitäten
Kulturelle Ausflüge
Kostenloses Internet
Seminare nach dem Unterricht
Audio Lernen
Lehrer Qualifikationen
Muttersprachler in Griechisch
zertifizierte Griechisch Lehrer
Teachers with college degrees
Nationalitäten- und Altersmix
Der Nationalitäten- und Altersmix bei The Lamda Project hängt von den Kursen, Sprachniveaus, und der Saison ab.
Offene Termine
18 Apr 2025, 21 Apr 2025, 01 Mai 2025, 09 Jun 2025, 15 Aug 2025, 28 Okt 2025, 17 Nov 2025, 06 Dez 2025, 25 Dez 2025, 26 Dez 2025, 01 Jan 2026
Lage der Schule
Das Lamda-Projekt (Λάμδα) wurde in Athen Griechenlands gegründet.
Athen -eine Stadt voller Monumente, unschätzbarer archäologischer Entdeckungen und weltberühmter Museen.
Unser Ziel ist es die griechische Sprache und Kultur weltweit zu verbreiten.
nehmen Sie teil an unseren Seminaren und Kursen teilzunehmem.
. Eine Stadt, die niemals schläft und unzählige Möglichkeiten für Entertainment, Essen und Unterkunft bietet. Im Herzen der Stadt liegen die luxuriösesten historischen Hotels, kleine Paläste mit jedem erdenklichen modernen Komfort, Spas, Cafés mit Blick auf die Akropolis, Poolbars und exzellenten Restaurants mit Küchen aus aller Welt.
Wir bieten Neu oder Altgriechisch Sprachkurse an, der Mittelalterlichen wie auch der Neueren und Neuesten Geschichte, sowie Übungen und Kursen der Alten Geschichte
zwischen verschiedenen Optionen der griechischen Geschichte & Kultur zu wählen (griechische Philosophie, Altgriechisch, griechische Mythologie, griechische Persönlichkeiten). Geschichte des Rassismus zugleich: Einführungsvorlesung Neuere und Neueste Geschichte
Unsere Schule im Zentrum von Athens
Unser Aufsatz besteht darin, die Vergangenheit mit der tatsächlichen Gegenwart zu verschmelzen ... um das tatsächliche Einheimische zu lernen
Sie können also für jedes Niveau aus unserem breiten Angebot wählen. Wir bieten Niveaus vom absoluten Anfänger bis zum Können. Wir bieten Kleingruppenunterricht (von mindestens 2-3 bis maximal 12-13 Schülern) an, die fast jeden Montag mit modernen und innovativen Lern- und Lehrmethoden beginnen. Unser Ziel ist ein tiefes und einfaches Erlernen der griechischen Sprache durch eine freundliche, angenehme, aber auch professionelle Atmosphäre.
Hochqualifizierte Lehrer
Alle unsere Lehrer sind Griechisch-Muttersprachler mit einem Master-Abschluss, der sich auf das Unterrichten von Griechisch als Fremdsprache spezialisiert und sehr erfahren ist.
Da unser Projekt Lamda (λάμδα) das Lernen der Einheimischen zum Ziel hat, bieten wir Ihnen einen Zeitplan mit optionalen Aktivitäten und Exkursionen, die an den Nachmittagen und am Wochenende stattfinden. Dies ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, die moderne griechische Kultur, Städte, Feste, Gewohnheiten, Sitten und Gebräuche kennenzulernen.
λerne das Einheimische
λerne die Sprache
λerne die Kultur
λebe wie ein Einheimischer
Nehmen Sie eine Videotour
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Empfang von The Lamda Project2/42
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Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von The Lamda Project4/42
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100% empfehlen
basierend auf 25 Bewertungen
5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Stern
Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
"I was surprised of how much one can improve in just one week."
Lisa Gleiß,
Sprachschüler aus Deutschland
(Translated by Google Translate)
I had overall a very pleasant experience. The classes were to my initial disliking more focused on practicing conversations than learning grammar, but in the end, I learned so much more because of it, and most importantly, I gained the confidence to actually speak or try to speak, which I didn't have beforehand. The teachers were very competent and lovely people. I loved the location and I participated in most activities, which were great fun.
And therefore I'm planning to continue the course I'm the near future.
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
"It was very enjoyable and also very useful"
Sophia Martin,
Sprachschüler aus England
(Translated by Google Translate)
I really enjoyed my course. The teachers were very engaging and easy to understand. I liked that they spoke little English to us when teaching to help us learn, and that there was a mix of learning grammar/speaking and sometimes playing games. Eleni was very helpful in helping me to find the correct class for my ability - I moved around a few classes to begin with to find the right one - this flexibility was very valuable.
Overall very good experience and I hope to return!
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
"Schule kann Spass machen! Super Sprachschule!"
Stephanie Roeoesli,
Sprachschüler aus Schweiz
(Translated by Google Translate)
Der Unterricht hat mir sehr geholfen meine Sprachkenntnisse weiter zu entwickeln und ich konnte im Alltag meine Fortschritte anwenden und wahrnehmen. Die Lehrer waren sehr kompetent und ich konnte viel profitieren.Das Schulhaus ist sehr einladend und die Atmosphäre sehr familiär. Ich fühlte mich sehr Willkommen.
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
"Ideal for improving my level of knowledge of Greek, especially of the spoken language."
Fabrizio D. Raschellà,
Sprachschüler aus Italien
(Translated by Google Translate)
The organization of the courses is very effective, the teaching staff competent and well trained. Comfortable and bright rooms, with several facilities available (library, coffee machine, snacks and more). Good offer of extra-teaching activities (excursions, guided visits, parties), which nevertheless should be improved and more publicized.
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
"Excellent school with excellent teachers"
(Translated by Google Translate)
I have been at Lamda several times! I started from zero and I do not regret one second the choice I made!
The teachers are wonderful, funny, the activities are excellent and you meet wonderful people! I continue to come back. They have become friends!
I was in Athens for some weeks as a solo traveler and I wanted to find a place to learn Greek, but at the same time have a very positive and safe environment. So I decided to visit some schools for receiving a direct feeling. Once I entered the place, I knew it directly. Smiles were everywhere, the positive energy was all over the space. Friendly people, ready to "make you part of their team" as they use to say. I had one of the best months of my life there. Great teaching, and awesome activities based on our interests. We were a big group of friends. I will definitely come back again. I miss you all guys!
I was very lucky because I was in a group of 2 students with the teacher, everything was great, the welcome, the atmosphere, the little 5 minute breaks every hour, the kindness of the team. I really recommend it and I hope to have the opportunity to go back for more. I only have one regret: I had a holiday that week, which meant I had one less day at school!
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
"Amazing experience! with great teachers who made learning great fun."
Nigel Cozens,
Sprachschüler aus England
(Translated by Google Translate)
I had the most wonderful time at the school. All the staff are amazing! It really made learning Greek so much fun. I had some knowledge of Greek before I arrived, so not really a beginner. The class I was in with Maria P had 5 of us, this made it perfect for me as there was plenty of time to ask questions and discuss things. Everything was done to help make the course work for everyone. I also had a one hour one to one session each day with Maria K, this was wonderful as it gave me time to review individual things that I needed to go over and practice. I’m so grateful to all the team and especially Maria P and Maria K. My only regret was not staying longer, but I will be back for sure. Ευχαριστώ πολύ
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
"A Wonderful Experience learning with others!"
Joshua Hansen,
Sprachschüler aus USA
(Translated by Google Translate)
The Lambda Project is organized, methodical, and well put-together. The teachers are friendly and personable and supportive of your goals.
There were weekly activities to sign up for with others, and on breaks we all just kind of talked and got to know each other better. It was smooth and stress-free!
Overall, I don't think I have a single complaint about The Lambda Project. Going to class each day was one of my favorite parts of staying in Athens and I would definitely love to come back and do it again someday.
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
"Great human experience"
Sidonie Moulart
(Translated by Google Translate)
I took a week only of Greek lessons. It wasn't enough but it was very intense.
I had two different teachers during this week with different personalities but all two very energetic.
The course was oral practice oriented and it was what I wanted.
I appreciated the location of the school and its layout and the warm atmosphere given by the all team.
A few tiny things were disturbing : we had to keep the outside window open and the noise in the street was too strong and it could interfere with my comprehension of the lesson. My classmates had an obvious better lever than me and I had and I had to struggle a lot to understand the oral conversations which were too fast speaking for me. But on the other hand I think it pushed me to challenge myself and I made huge progress in oral comprehension.
I appreciated also the extra-activities (games, music listening in a café..): they are my best memories of my lambda project experience. I am sure it's complicate for the team to organize those activities every week beside the day-work hours but I think it really makes the difference!
"A very enriching experience to read great Greek poetry with an excellent teacher."
Raimund Fridrich
(Translated by Google Translate)
It was a very positive experience. Responsive crew, nice school location and infrastructure and despite Covid all worked perfectly fine. The literature programme which was tailor made was a true privilege. I enjoyed every minute.
Under the difficult period of summer 2020, the teachers here were doing great job at following rules required by government, etc social distancing, put masks during classes.
The environment here in terms of study is great. Free wifi, coffee, and you can keep on studying at lounge space after class if you'd like.
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
"Exciting and profitable"
Paolo Grosso
(Translated by Google Translate)
My personal experience ( I am 67 years old) has been a breath of youth. Two weeks of graceful and profitable learning.
My teacher , Helen, young, smart, easy going. She is educated and prepared in Hellenistic culture and not only in the modern Greek language. Four hours everyday of pleasant learning and chatting in Greek.
Location is very comfortable: ten minutes walk from the metro stop.
Tea, coffee, biscuits and slices of cake always available. Which is not a matter of fact!
In two weeks , I am grade A1 , I am happy to feel at home in Greece.
"Lamda is an incredible, warm and experienced team facilitating an immersive cultural and language experience!"
Carla Browne
(Translated by Google Translate)
My lessons are online, are flexible, fun and communicative. I have been learning with Maria and she is an incredible teacher and person.
I feel so much more communicative and she moves gracefully through the grammar content to practical use, as well as building my interests into lots of the lessons.
I took a 3 weeks of Greek standard intensive immersion course in this school in Athens. It was definitely the best time of my life! It totally deserved my time! Everything was great. Classes, amazing teachers, classmates, school, central location, great neighborhood, friendly and professional staff, free social activities, dancing lessons, excursions, free city walks, bares, restaurantes! Great life for 3 weeks. It was like I was a part of a big family! I am planning to come back again soon during next autumn or winter!
"Quality all the way through - highly recommended"
Heidi Willoch
(Translated by Google Translate)
I spent two week at The λamda Project doing a 30 hours/week intensive course in modern Greek. The programs are very flexible and adaptable to individual skills and needs. The teachers are highly educated people with very good pedagogical skills - who teaches with great enthusiasm and energy.
The provided working book is tailored for everyday situations at different levels, facilitates interaction, and gives a systematic and gradual approach to grammar - perfect for the small size class model.
Private/ individual sessions were also very good and professional.
Very modern and suitable facilities with bakeries and many charming restaurants in pedestrian streets close by.
The staff are very service minded, friendly and including people - felt like a home with very good energy. They also arranged trips, guided city tours, Greek dancing lesson, trip to museum.
I made good progress during the stay, and plan to come back for another session later.
It is quality all the way through - I highly recommend this place for learning Greek in Athens!!
I took a 3 weeks Standard Intenive Modern Greek course and I am planning to go back soon.
Very good facilities, modern and alternative. Great location , at the center of the city, with easy access. Higly qualified and professional teachers with very good and easy to follow teaching materials. I had fun at the classes and they helped me improve my language skills.
The staff and the teachers were very friendly and helpful. There were a lot of social activities, such us Greek dances lesson, Greek moovie screening, City walks or museum visits. We had a great time altogether:students, teachers, staff! At the neighbourghood there are also a lot of coffee places, cute bars and restaurants. At last but not least, there was always a small free buffet waiting for us with coffee, tea, greek snacks and traditional delicasies or even ouzo and raki during the dance lessons! I will go back again very soon! Highly recommended!
"Dive into greek culture and learn a fascinating language"
Anne-Sylvie Mousson
(Translated by Google Translate)
I began the course as an absolute beginner in greek language and after two weeks intensive courses, I feel I have made huge progress in writing, speaking and understanding. The classes are given in small groups, the teachers and staff are competent, dynamic, motivating, efficient. It is a real pleasure to follow the classes.
Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, we had to make class through Skype after 3 days and couldn't go on with the cultural part given in the afternoon, like visiting museums, walking to historical places or interesting sites, so I cannot say much about the activities, but the Lamda Project proposes a lot besides the courses.
The location of both school and accomodation is in the middle of the Exarchaia neigborhood, perfect for students. There is a lot going on on "normal" times and you find all the useful facilities nearby, like shops, supermarkets, bars, restaurants. You find yourself at about 10 minutes walking distance from the next metro station and from Omonia. The accomodation provided is comfortable and spacious with all possible facilities and just round the corner to school.
I must say I liked everything about this stay, except the fact that I had to go back home after only two weeks instead of the six I had planned because of the epidemic.
A final thing I'd like to mention is the incredible help and support I got from Magda as I had all my things stealed in the metro and remained without money or any Id documents. She's completely devoted to The Lambda Project and the well-being of her students. The whole staff is, in fact.
I can only recommend the Lambda Project, not only for the quality of the teaching but also as a whole greek experience !
Have fun !
Good concept, highly professional teachers, nice location. I had lessons in modern Greek for 3 weeks at the Lamda Project. As we were a small group of students, the lessons were arranged very individually. The teaching material is absolutely up to date and easy to follow. I made a large profit from the classes. The atmosphere was very welcoming, sympathetic and committed. They also offer a wide range of cultural activities and a well equipped library. There is also always a little buffet provided. Highly recommended!
I took a 5 day class during late December and early January. The class was fun and very valuable to my study of the Greek language. The facilities were very good and the teachers very polite. The class were from 10 am to 2 pm and went very fast. I was able to use what I learned immediately in the Athens which was fun. It was nice to be able to follow up my practice with the class the lesson the next day. I plan to take another 5 day class when I return to Greece.
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
"Great experience"
Alfred Schmid
(Translated by Google Translate)
I am travelling to language schools for several years and the lamda project is definitely one of the best. Highly qualified teachers eager to identify my specific lack of language skills and able to support me, professional and very friendly staff and atmosphere, great location at the center of Athens with easy access. They have a free buffet on a daily basis with coffee and lots of cookies and traditional tsureki. I totally recommend it due to their professionalism and flexibility.
"Excellent teaching, modern classroom and friendly environment for learning"
Emma King
(Translated by Google Translate)
I had Flora as my teacher and she was excellent. I really enjoyed our lessons and I learnt a lot in the 2 weeks I was there. The school has been newly renovated, has a library and good ressources. This is a new school so they didn’t have many students yet. I learnt in September and there was only one other student. Three staff were very friendly and happy to chat so it felt like a sociable environment. There are lots of cool cafes and bars nearby which are nice to study in and it’s 15 minute walk from both Omonoia and Panepistimio (equidistant). I felt it was very good value for the price of the lessons. Would highly recommend!
What I can tell about the school is that it was great.
I am a language teacher and I know about this looking at my 24 years experience in teaching, so you may trust my GREAT evaluation to the school.
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.
Leider können wir für Studenten kein Visum beantragen.
Flüge und Flughafentransfer
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Athen based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.
Das Lamda-Projekt (Λάμδα) wurde in Athen Griechenlands gegründet.
Athen -eine Stadt voller Monumente, unschätzbarer archäologischer Entdeckungen und weltberühmter Museen.
Unser Ziel ist es die griechische Sprache und Kultur weltweit zu verbreiten.
nehmen Sie teil an unseren Seminaren und Kursen teilzunehmem.
. Eine Stadt, die niemals schläft und unzählige Möglichkeiten für Entertainment, Essen und Unterkunft bietet. Im Herzen der Stadt liegen die luxuriösesten historischen Hotels, kleine Paläste mit jedem erdenklichen modernen Komfort, Spas, Cafés mit Blick auf die Akropolis, Poolbars und exzellenten Restaurants mit Küchen aus aller Welt.
Wir bieten Neu oder Altgriechisch Sprachkurse an, der Mittelalterlichen wie auch der Neueren und Neuesten Geschichte, sowie Übungen und Kursen der Alten Geschichte
zwischen verschiedenen Optionen der griechischen Geschichte & Kultur zu wählen (griechische Philosophie, Altgriechisch, griechische Mythologie, griechische Persönlichkeiten). Geschichte des Rassismus zugleich: Einführungsvorlesung Neuere und Neueste Geschichte
Unsere Schule im Zentrum von Athens
Unser Aufsatz besteht darin, die Vergangenheit mit der tatsächlichen Gegenwart zu verschmelzen ... um das tatsächliche Einheimische zu lernen
Sie können also für jedes Niveau aus unserem breiten Angebot wählen. Wir bieten Niveaus vom absoluten Anfänger bis zum Können. Wir bieten Kleingruppenunterricht (von mindestens 2-3 bis maximal 12-13 Schülern) an, die fast jeden Montag mit modernen und innovativen Lern- und Lehrmethoden beginnen. Unser Ziel ist ein tiefes und einfaches Erlernen der griechischen Sprache durch eine freundliche, angenehme, aber auch professionelle Atmosphäre.
Hochqualifizierte Lehrer
Alle unsere Lehrer sind Griechisch-Muttersprachler mit einem Master-Abschluss, der sich auf das Unterrichten von Griechisch als Fremdsprache spezialisiert und sehr erfahren ist.
Da unser Projekt Lamda (λάμδα) das Lernen der Einheimischen zum Ziel hat, bieten wir Ihnen einen Zeitplan mit optionalen Aktivitäten und Exkursionen, die an den Nachmittagen und am Wochenende stattfinden. Dies ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, die moderne griechische Kultur, Städte, Feste, Gewohnheiten, Sitten und Gebräuche kennenzulernen.
λerne das Einheimische
λerne die Sprache
λerne die Kultur
λebe wie ein Einheimischer
Fragen und Antworten
Haben Sie noch Fragen? Erhalten Sie Antworten von unseren Sprachreisenberatern und den Mitarbeitern und früheren Studenten des The Lamda Project.
"Αγαπητοί καλησπέρα σας,
ενδιαφερόμαστε για μαθήματα εκμάθησης της ελληνικής γλώσσας, για έναν εργαζόμενο της εταιρείας μας ο οποίος απασχολείται στο τμήμα της αποθήκης και προέρχεται από τη Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό.
θα θέλαμε να μας ενημερώσετε για τις ημερομηνίες έναρξης των μαθημάτων, τη διάρκεια και το κόστος αυτών.
Ευχαριστώ πολύ!"
Pinelopi Kafetzidaki,
Sprachschüler aus
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Καλησπέρα σας. Μπορεί να ξεκινήσει μαθήματα όποια Δευτέρα θέλει, εκτός και αν είναι Α0 (δλδ. δεν έχει καμία γνώση ελληνικών), άρα μπορεί να ξεκινήσει συγκεριμένες ημερομηνίες (ουσιαστικά είναι 2 Δευτέρες τον μήνα). Θα βρείτε όλες τις πληροφορίες εδώ είτε στο σάιτ μας. Ευχαριστώ πολύ και καλή Χρονιά σε όλους!
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Καλημέρα σας.
Είμαι μία έλληνο αμερικανίδα. Μόλις ήρθα από τη Νέα Υόρκη. Είμαι σε διακοπές στην Αθήνα μέχρι Σάββατο. Κάθομαι σ’ ένα ξενοδοχείο στην Κυψέλη. Θέλω να πάρω μάθημα Να γράψω ελληνικά καλλιγραφία. Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε;
Διονυσία Λίμπερτη,
Sprachschüler aus USA
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Καλησπέρα σας. Συγγνώμη για την καθυστερημένη μου απάντηση. Δυστυχώς δεν παρέχουμε μαθήματα καλλιγραφίας. Καλή Χρονιά και ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος.
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
กิรณา มุกดาสนิท,
Sprachschüler aus Thailand
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Hi. Our school is for adults and we are not accepting unaccompanied teenagers, I am afraid. :)
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
I am currently living in Athens and need to improve my language skills. I am interested in private tutoring during the day between 10 and 13:00 oclock for 2 hours at a time, 2 times a week.
I would say I am at the A2 level and I have used the Ellinika Tora 1+1 book until chapter 8 (but classes were before the pandemic).
Is this something you can offer? Is yes, what is the cost for 4 hours of tutoring twice a week?
Best regards,
Anne Catrine"
Anne Catrine Sakseide,
Sprachschüler aus Griechenland
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Hi Anne Catrine,
I apologize for our late reply. In the morning we offer the group courses, so private tutoring can be offered after 14.00 o`clock. Regarding your Greek level, no worries. Before a student`s arrival we sent our level test for checking the exact level and needs of the student.
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Buenas tardes. Soy un profesor español interesado en un curso intensivo Standard 20 durante los meses de septiembre, octubre y noviembre. Me gustaría alojarme también en su residencia, pero debo añadir que mi esposa vendrá conmigo durante los tres meses. Me gustaría saber si puedo contratar el curso para mí y una habitación doble desde el 1 primer lunes de septiembre hasta el último viernes de noviembre (12 semanas). Muchas gracias."
Javier Aguirre,
Sprachschüler aus Spanien
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Buenas tardes. Le agradecemos su interés por nuestros cursos y escuela.Por supuesto, usted puede contratar por una habitación privada y vivir con su esposa. No hay ningún problema en absoluto. Muchas gracias. Magda
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"The private tutoring through Skype is a total of 52 weeks of lessons? The price is $120 for that?"
Matthew Kazanc,
Sprachschüler aus
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Hi. The price depends from the total hours/week. The price for 2h/week through Skype is 56euros/week. :)
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
I need to know if the certificate that I will get in the end of the course is it known by the Greek education ministry"
Sonila Korriku,
Sprachschüler aus Albanien
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Hi! The only recognized certificate from the Greek MoE, is the official from the government and you have to give exams for it. It is called "Hellinomathia". We do have classes for preparation for it though. I hope I`ve helped you. Good luck with anything you`ll do! :)
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"How do I register"
Bashar Younes,
Sprachschüler aus Syrien
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Hi! You can register directly from this platform. You can contact directly Language international by email and ask them to register to our language school. It will be a pleasure having you with us.
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Buenos dias !!
Soy un amante de Grecia y de su cultura y estaba pensando en hacer un curso de dos semanas con vosotros.
Yo he estado estudiando de manera individual online y con aplicaciones de telefono, asi que no se bien cual es mi nivel.
Quisiera saber si debo empezar desde 0, o haceis algun examen para saber el curso que debo hacer.
Los estudiantes son todos jovenes, o hay gente como yo de 45 años?
Un saludo."
Sprachschüler aus Spanien
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
¡Hola y Καλησπέρα! Muchas gracias por ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Sería un gran placer tenerle aquí con nosotros cuando esta crisis de coronavirus termine. Antes de su llegada le enviaremos una prueba de nivel para identificar su nivel exacto. Tenemos estudiantes de todos las edades y de todos los lados del mundo. De 20 años a 75 años y más. ¡Realmente la edad promedia de nuestros estudiantes es de su edad! Espero que hablemos pronto. Un saludo cordial. Magda
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Bonjour j'aimerais apprendre cette langue Hellénique que j'aime bien,après mes recherches je suis intéressé par vos cours de Skype qui conditionne par diplôme de niveau! je parle un peu!parce que quan j'étais a crête je faisais des cours de la langue grecque maintenant je suis à Athènes et j'aimerais continué.
Noufou Lonfo"
Noufou Lonfo,
Sprachschüler aus Griechenland
Nikos Vasilopoulos,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Manager)
Dear Mr. Noufou Lonfo
We appreciate your interest in our Skype courses. You can send us an email on [email protected] or, as long as you are in Athens, you can visit our school directly, from Monday to Friday and from 10:00 - 17:00 so to check all your options thoroughly.
Best regards,
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
I'm coming to Greece in mid September, and I would like to take some language courses. My level is somewhere between B1 and B2. Now, I would like to stay as well on a Greek island and have some lessons there. Do you by chance have a teacher on Naxos / Paros / Lefada? But Athens is also an option for me. I was thinking on taking 3h per day for 5 days. Maybe you can propose something...
Denis Dolgos,
Sprachschüler aus Kroatien
Nikos Vasilopoulos,
The Lamda Project school representative (Operations Manager)
Dear Denis,
Thank you for your interest. My name is Nikos. Unfortunately, currently, we are only based in Athens and we don't provide teachers on Greek islands. It will be our pleasure to have you on our students' team in Athens though.
Our Standard Intensive course is 4h per day, Monday to Friday. It is the most common selection among our prospective students and the one I propose to you.
According to our new price catalogue for 2019, one week it will cost you 330 euros (plus 40 euros for your registration fee which covers your education material). If you choose more than one week then the price drops 5% per week.
If you think that 4 hrs/day is something you don't want, we can arrange private tutoring following consultation.
I am at your disposal for any further information you may need for our learning plans and prices.
Best regards,
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Ciao vorrei sapere solo per il.corso di greco.."
Dorela Qibini,
Sprachschüler aus Griechenland
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Hi! My name is Magda and I am really sorry for my late reply. Of course you can come just for the greek course. The most common course is the Standard Intensive 20 hours/week. The minimum duration is 1 week and you can stay as long as you would like! We are located in the center of Athens, with metro station in a very close distance (in case you wouldn`t like us to arrange your accommodation) , as well as we provide a variety of culture activities! Have you planned your visit to Greece?
War dies hilfreich? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Hola como está voy a viajar a Grecia por unos meses quisiera aprender griego voy a estar en Atenas cuando comienzan los cursos y cuánto es el costo"
Heidi Luigi,
Sprachschüler aus Venezuela
Magda Serafeidi,
The Lamda Project school representative ( Education Culture Center Manager)
Hola! Le agradecemos su interés por El Proyecto λamda! Será un placer para nosotros que Ud. forme parte de nuestro equipo. Los cursos empiezan cada Lunes y hay muchos diferentes tipos de cursos para participar. Lo más comun es el normal intensivo de los 20 horas/semana. Puede verificar nosotros precios aqui o aquí . Un saludo. Magda