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Located in the heart of Europe, Poland struggled through world wars and revolutions until the very end of the twentieth century, but nowadays flourishes as a vibrant country fueled by ideas, people and private enterprise. Still, the Polish people maintain a sense of culture and community...
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Located in the heart of Europe, Poland struggled through world wars and revolutions until the very end of the twentieth century, but nowadays flourishes as a vibrant country fueled by ideas, people and private enterprise. Still, the Polish people maintain a sense of culture and community despite the twenty-first century turn towards modern life. For example, in the medieval city of Kraków earlier times meet a bustling new age economy quite seamlessly: tourists can explore ancient cathedrals and monuments just a few short blocks away from large technology, internet, and manufacturing companies who also reside in the city. While in Poland, travelers can enjoy a diverse range of activities such as strolling along the Baltic coastal beaches, hiking and camping in the mountainous peaks, and enjoying the many historical institutes and cathedrals. Taking Polish courses in Poland allows students to experience a country with an historic past on the brink of a truly historic future.