Lektionen: 4 Stunden pro Tag / 20 Stunden pro Woche von Montag bis Freitag.
Zeitplan: 9:00-13:00
Niveaus: alle, von Anfänger (A1) bis Fortgeschrittener (C2)
Dauer: von 1 bis 48 Wochen (du entscheidest die Dauer nach deinen Zielen)
Studenten pro Klasse: 6-8 Studenten. Maximum 12 Schüler pro Klasse.
Alter: mindestens 16 Jahre
Anfangsdaten: jeden Montag. Hier klicken für Anfänger
Wo: 100 mt von Piazza della Repubblica entfernt und in der Nähe der wichtigsten Plätze und Attraktionen von Florenz.
Rated: 4.9 /5 auf 10 Studentenbewertungen
Der Standard Italienischkurs wurde entwickelt, um dir alle Kenntnisse, Fähigkeiten und die Gewandtheit zu vermitteln, die du benötigst, um die italienische Sprache lesen, verstehen und sprechen zu können. Unsere Schule verwendet eine moderne und dynamische didaktische Methode, die den Studenten ermöglicht, von Anfang an die notwendigen Instrumente zum Sprechen und Schreiben zu erlernen und anzuwenden, um ihre Sprachkenntnisse effizient zu verbessern und stärken, und im täglichen Gespräch sicherer zu sein. Dieser Italienischkurs hilft dir, deine Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern, aber auch Freizeit am Nachmittag für dein persönliches Engagement, dein soziales Leben, deinen Besuch in Florenz oder für die von der Schule organisierten Aktivitäten dir lässt.
Der Italienisch Standardkurs ist unser meistbesuchter Kurs: Jede Klasse ist nach Niveaus organisiert und besteht aus Studenten aus der ganzen Welt.
Der Italienisch Standardkurs besteht aus 4 Stunden Unterricht pro Tag, 5 Tage die Woche, für insgesamt 20 Wochenstunden. Jeden Morgen nimmst du an zwei Stunden Grammatikunterricht teil, dann zwei Stunden Konversationsunterricht, in denen wir alltägliche und reale Situationen vorstellen.
Der Standardkurs ist, unter allen unseren Kursen, derjenige, der das Bedürfnis, die italienische Sprache zu lernen, mit der Notwendigkeit freie Zeit für Tourismus, Arbeit oder soziales Leben zu haben bestens verbindet.
Dieser Kurs wird oft von Studenten gewählt, die die italienische Sprache lernen oder ihre Kenntnisse verbessern wollen, aber auch die Nachmittage ohne Verpflichtungen haben wollen: diese Studenten wollen ihr Italienisch aus verschiedenen Gründen verbessern, darunter Arbeit, Studium, Tourismus, persönliche kulturelle Bereicherung, Beziehungen mit Italienern oder einfach nur aus Freude, gut Italienisch zu sprechen.
Der Italienisch Standardkurs ist ideal:
für Studenten aller Niveaus
für diejenigen, die gute Ergebnisse erzielen wollen, aber den Nachmittag frei für ihre privaten Verpflichtungen oder für Besuch in Florenz haben wollen
für diejenigen, die die italienische Sprache und Kultur lieben und Italienisch sprechen lernen wollen
für diejenigen, die ihr Verständnis und ihre gesprochene Italienisch lernen oder verbessern wollen.
Am Ende dieses Kurses kannst du damit erwarten:
Selbstbewusster bei der Kommunikation auf Italienisch zu sein
Italienisch von den Grundlagen an zu lernen
In deinem täglichen Leben flüssiger und genauer sprechen zu können
deine Grammatikkenntnisse zu verbessern und ein vollständigeres Vokabular zu haben
Deine soziale Leben in Italien zu erleichtern
Eine größere Erfolgschance zu haben, wenn du eine Prüfung ablegen müsst
Erfolgreich in einer Arbeit in Italien zu sein, die die Kenntnis der italienischen Sprache erfordert
Jede Lektion dauert 55 Minuten.
Der Unterricht wird dynamisch und fesselnd von muttersprachlichen und diplomierten Fachlehrern gehalten, die die Schwierigkeiten und Fortschritte jedes Students sorgfältig verfolgen.
Die Klassen sind nach Niveaus unterteilt: Anfänger, Grundstufe, Untere-Mittelstufe, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene.
Die Klassen bestehen aus Studenten aus der ganzen Welt, die die gleichen Italienischkenntnisse teilen. Jedes Jahr gibt es Studenten aus mehr als 50 verschiedenen Nationalitäten.
Im Grammatikunterricht werden neue Regeln durch Lesungen, Übungen, Revisionen und Satzbau erklärt und vertieft.
In Konversationsunterrichte schlagen die Lehrer verschiedene und kreative Themen vor, indem sie Hör- und Leseaktivitäten, mündliche Produktion, Gruppenarbeiten, Wortschatz, Dialoge, Kommentare und Diskussionen mit anderen Studenten und dem Lehrer durchführen.
Hören, Sprechen, Aussprache, Lesen, Schreiben, Wortschatz, Grammatik und Aktivitäten
Istituto Il David bietet keine Sprachreisen während der oben genannten Ferienzeit an, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Starttermin aus.
You can choose from the following class times:
Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.
Durchschnitt | 8 Studenten |
Maximum | 12 Studenten |
Altersdurchschnitt | 16 - 85 Jahre alt |
Durchschnitt | 26 Jahre alt (24 im Sommer) |
Die Schule, die ihren Namen der berühmten Skulptur von Michelangelo verdankt, wurde 1983 gegründet, ist offiziell vom italienischen Bildungsministerium genehmigt und das ganze Jahr über geöffnet. Es befindet sich im Herzen des historischen Zentrums von Florenz, im dritten Stock eines bürgerlichen Palastes (mit Aufzug), der Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts erbaut und kürzlich renoviert wurde. Es befindet sich in der Gegend, in der sich Banken und weltweit bekannte Modegeschäfte befinden. Der Dom, der Bahnhof, die wichtigsten Denkmäler und Museen sind alle zu Fuß (5-10 Minuten zu Fuß) von der Schule entfernt.
Alle Zimmer sind klimatisiert, geräumig und hell mit großen Tischen und bequemen Stühlen. Alles, was nötig ist, wurde bereitgestellt, damit sich die Schüler während des Unterrichts wohl und energisch fühlen können.
Die Schule verfügt über eine drahtlose Verbindung, die die Schüler kostenlos nutzen können.
Im obersten Stockwerk der Schule befindet sich eine wunderschöne Terrasse, von der aus die Schüler einen atemberaubenden Blick auf Florenz genießen können. Alle Lehrer sind italienische Muttersprachler und haben einen Abschluss. Die Klassen haben ein Maximum von 12 und ein Minimum von 4 Schülern, die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Schüler pro Klasse ist 7/8.
Die Schule bietet ein vielfältiges und interessantes Freizeitprogramm, ca. 20-30 pro Monat. Die Schule bietet Studenten und eine kostenlose Unterkunftssuche für jede Art von Anfrage und für die Dauer des Aufenthalts in Florenz.
Die Schule bietet verschiedene Kurse der italienischen Sprache und Kultur an. Gruppenkurse von 2 bis 6 Stunden pro Tag, Unterricht für Paare, Unterricht für Schulgruppen, Einzelunterricht, kombinierte Kurse von Italienisch, Kunstgeschichte, italienische Wirtschaft, italienische Küche, italienische Mode, Kunst und Handwerk, kombinierte Kurse mit Praktikum, Sommerkurse.
Die Kurse der italienischen Sprache sind in sechs Stufen der Sprachkompetenz unterteilt.
Die Klassen haben ein Maximum von 12 und ein Minimum von 4 Schülern, die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Schüler pro Klasse ist 7/8. Alle Lehrer sind italienische Muttersprachler und haben einen Abschluss.
Der Nationalitäten- und Altersmix bei Istituto Il David hängt von den Kursen, Sprachniveaus, und der Saison ab. Das Durchschnittslater ist ganzjährig 26 Jahre. Im Sommer ist das Durchschnittslater 24 Jahre
unterrichtet Studenten aus der ganzen Welt, darunter:
bietet keine Sprachreisen während der unten genannten Ferienzeit an, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Starttermin aus.
Das Istituto Il David befindet sich im Herzen des historischen Zentrums von Florenz, im dritten Stock eines bürgerlichen Palastes (mit Lift), der Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts erbaut und kürzlich renoviert wurde. Es befindet sich in der Gegend, in der sich Banken und weltweit bekannte Modegeschäfte befinden. Der Dom, der Hauptbahnhof, die wichtigsten Denkmäler und Museen sind alle zu Fuß (5-10 Minuten zu Fuß) von der Schule entfernt.
I really enjoyed my time at Istituto Il David in Florence. It's my second time at the school (I spent six weeks there in 2023) and it was great to go back for a week. The teachers are great and the staff are very welcoming. We are encouraged to speak and there is no criticism only help when we make mistakes. My Italian has improved a lot since being at the shcool.
Florence is the best city in which to spend time and the school offers various extras such as fascinating walking tours of the city after school hours but I also enjoyed relaxed dinners out with the other students. The classes are small, with anywhere from 4-7 students, so there is very good attention paid to individual learning. I loved being in Florence because after school there is so much to see and do and it's super easy to walk everywhere. During both my visits to Florence I stayed with an Italian host with half board and found this excellent as it means speaking and hearing Italian outside of school. Both families were lovely and very supportive. The accommodation was comfortable (a single bed and my own bathroom both times) and always within a 20-25 minute walk of the school (great for keeping fit and losing a bit of fat!). The school itself is right in the heart of Florence - just one block from the Piazza della Repubblica and so really close to everything! I loved my two stays in Florence and my time at Istituto il David.
Il corso presentato è molto dinamico, con una squadra qualificata Ed esperiente con gli studenti stranieri Ed trasmette fiducia nel metodo.
L'ambiente è accogliente Ed il posto è perfetto.
Vorrei avere frequentado più ore del corso 'part time'.
Giada and Sofia are motivating teatchers, allowing everyone to express themselves. Good atmosphere in the groupe class (around 9 students aged 20 to 60). School well located in the city center. I recommend this school!
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...At the beginning of my process there, on my first week, I had a blond teacher with short hair (I’m so sorry, but I don’t remember her name) who was really nice but she spoke to us mainly in English and a little Spanish. I understand that this was to help us understand the task we had to do but we are there to learn Italian, and in my opinion, any other language other than Italian should be used as little as possible in order to help and encourage the students to learn and understand Italian better and faster.
Later I was with Clara and Giada as my teachers and I have to say, they were incredible teachers: in grammar, Clara was very clear when explaining and was very helpful with all of the questions that we had. Grammar is a hard thing to teach and I think that she did an amazing job at it. Giada on the other hand taught us in conversation class and she truly did a stellar job. She was always very attentive to what we said but also very attentive to us and how we felt, and I feel like that is a very important thing to do in a classroom because when you know how a student is feeling and how much energy they have in your class, you can adapt the way you correct them or how much you make them speak for example. It gives you more information about the student in that current situation and lets you know how to address the student and what method of teaching will be most efficient in their current situation. It really benefits the student’s learning and their relationship with the language.
I also had Anna and Giulia as my teachers for a while and they were both great and different to the teachers I had had there. They created a very enjoyable atmosphere when teaching. I learnt a lot with them as my teachers and also had a great time in their classrooms. Anna was very good at explaining the grammatical tenses, even congiuntivo, but I feel like giving the students a few minutes to complete the exercises individually and then checking them as a group afterwards would be very beneficial in the learning process. Giulia was also a great teacher. She taught us a lot of vocabulary and used games to reinforce what we had learned, something I consider to be great for encouraging students and giving a fresh perspective to their learning experience. However, I feel like there could be more activities in which the students could practice more their speaking and conversation skills; maybe activities in pairs or small groups, or maybe an activity in which you have to tell your own experience about something without writing it down first. Nevertheless, it was great being in their classes.
All of the staff at Istituto il David was very friendly and welcoming, something that I appreciated greatly. They really took the time to get to know the students and make sure they’re comfortable and happy during their time in Istituto and in Florence. Even though I only went to a few outside of school activities, they were really fun and helpful to the learning of the language and to meeting other people at the school. I could also tell that the other students really enjoyed these activities.
The house u stayed at was delightful; the couple that owned the apartment were very friendly and good with the students. The food was always great and the other students there were also very nice. The location of both the apartment and the school was pretty good. The apartment was in more of a residential area, which was great because it allowed me to see more of what the life of people in Florence is like, and the school was basically in Piazza della Repubblica which is amazing.
I had an amazing time in Florence and it wouldn’t have been this way without the people at Istituto. It is an incredible school, one that I would definitely recommend. Istituto il David helped me achieve my goal of learning Italian, and even though it’s not perfect, there is no way it would’ve gotten to the level it is today without everyone at istituto, so I am very thankful for everything, and hope that maybe I can repeat this experience.
I attended the school for two months, and I quite enjoyed the prorgram during my stay! The school will place you in a class that's on pair with your level (you'll take a placement test before the school starts). I felt I got good explainations to concepts such as the passato prossimo, imperfetto and the futuro. As I usually struggle with grammar (in any language) I felt the pace of teaching was good. The teachers were friendly and helpful The afternoon activities was also quite good, but if you stay for more than a couple of weeks you'll notice they repeat the activities.
What I didn't like so much was the housing. I had to deal with grumpy house owners (I didn't feel welcome at all), a room with lots of street noise (my room faced a market and the noise was more or less constant from 4 am to late evening) and poor cooking facilities. One flat was infested with cockroaches, luckily the house owner took action to deal with the problem. If I decide to attend the school again I think I will look for acommodation somewhere else.
I liked the classes , one of the teachers was excellent the other needs more experience.
The location was very good and also the housing
I liked the most of the things.
Housing and location was a beautiful. Peacfully part of town. School was in good distance from house, teachers were patient and very friendly. I enjoyed time with schoolmates too. Next time i would like to speak more.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...The pace of the classes allowed all students to clarify their doubts. The teaching materials were appropriate and helpful. The number of students was small, which allowed for more interaction and assessment. The teachers, indeed, are prepared to teach Italian as a second language.
Some activities were a bit elemental, but I was still engaged. The classroom lacked sufficient illumination.
In general, the experience was productive and met my expectations.
The school is a wonderful organization that takes teaching Italian very seriously. Excellent teachers and excellent programs.
Once you get used to the pace you start really accumulating Italian Grammar skills and vocabulary. Have to have a conversation with the director at the start to get them to slow down the teaching as they were moving extremely fast without giving students a chance to actually grasp and process the information. Once that happened, learning became enjoyable And true progress was made. I loved the teachers that I had. I just wish I had the long term sessions without constantly changing teachers every couple of months. For someone who is at the school long term, I found that a bit disheartening. But overall a great school, great teachers, great curriculum. Happy with my choice.
The grammar lessons of the course were clear and precise and also fun! The new things were transferred quickly - it's easier to come back to them later.
The discussion section was naturally more difficult for me (elementary level). but just listening was a good lesson.
The teachers and staff at the school were friendly.
Schedules were kept.
The idea of evening excursions is good, we made it to the S.Croce excursion, and it was really nice.
I attended Italian language classes at Istituto Il David over two months. I did two hours of grammar and two hours of conversation classes per day and covered a lot of material during that time. The teachers at Il David are all excellent, and you can tell they like what they do which in turn motivated me to fully engage with the classes and make the most out of it. During my first few weeks I also attended some of the afternoon activities that were organized by the school which were very interesting but also helpful in socializing with other new students. At the conversation classes we covered a wide range of topics which helped me improve significantly my vocabulary but it also gave me several opportunities to use everything I've been learning during grammar classes and put them in practice. The location of the school is really good, it is centrally located right by the Piazza dalla Repubblica so it is easily accessible by anywhere in Florence really. I would wholeheartedly recommend the school to anyone who is interested in taking Italian language classes. In my view, i would recommend singing up for two weeks or more to make the most of the school but also the experience of living in Florence for a while.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...i loved the experience, very nice quality of education. the school was wonderfully located and had a very nice terrace that i loved and enjoyed a lot! loved the teachers especially Giada! <3
I had such fun and dynamic classes with her
really loved the whole school! hope to get to study with them again very soon
Everything was great. Nothing to complain about. Had a lot of fun.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...The location and staff were both great and I had a very good time. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun. My apartment was a bit far away but the ~13 minute walk was not to terrible. Three weeks were the perfect time, less would not have been enough and more would have kind of made it to much. Sadly -even though it was quite expectable- there were not a lot of young people at the school around the time I was there.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Very happy to have attended the IlDavid school
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...I spent a month doing the course for 4 hours a day from Monday to Friday. It was a very nice experience, the teachers were very capable, both in their knowledge and in the way of taking the classes. Very good attention and nice extracurricular activities. I had wonderful companions and the location is excellent. Totally recommended, I have no more to say than thanks.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...The length of time allocated for our lessons is just right or it would not be fruitful. The teachers we had were helpful and patient with us when answering questions. In my opinion our teacher in grammar, Francesca was wonderful to have. She is really a nice teacher and also she was the one who took us around for our free activity in the afternoon, those I chose to join in. The location wise was just right although I got lost several times on my first day to school having to find the streets but for me it was part of experience. The places were just about right, it is just finding and knowing where it can be located. But I am happy. I welcomed the activities offered that is for free. It gave me an opportunity to go around and to be familiar with the places which are significant or of its importance which our teacher in grammar kindly explained the places when we arrived there. For the housing, my accommodation, I found the place clean and quiet. The landlady doesn't speak any English at all but for me it was a challenge to be able to practice the language I studied. I found it hard to use the keys on how to open the door of my accommodation, a bit complicated but I got it right in the end.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...I had an inspiring week of beginners' lessons at Istituto Il David. The teachers were professionals. The school was located in an inspiring environment.
The only thing I missed was the fact that there were no activities in the afternoon, due to the lack of students who were interested or available to participate.
The week before, I was told that I would phase in the second week of a group that had started one week earlier. This was not the case, which was the reason why I changed groups after the second day due to a difference in level of knowledge.
I have enjoyed my stay and have definitely increased my level!
The location of the school is wonderful! Teachers are smiling, ready to help with everything they can!
My Italian has improved significantly!
Extracurricular activities are very different and interesting!
I'd love to come back to continue my studies at the Istituto Il David!
I did not use the school accommodation.
I like the school, the location was very nice. The center of the city was only a 5 minute walk from my home. The teachers were perfect and I really enjoyed studying there. I didn't like that it was nothing interesting in extra activities and there were not many students, probably because of the time of the year (november-december). Housing were pretty good. I was living with an Italian family in my own room. But I didn't like a lot the fact I couldn't wash my stuff, even socks there. I had to go out and pay money to machine to do it...It killed me...So next time I go, I will note it... I improve my Italian a lot...
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Gastfamilien werden sorgfältig ausgesucht und bieten die Möglichkeit, mehr über eine fremde Kultur während des Sprachaufenthalts zu erfahren. Die Gastfamilien sind meist 3 - 20 Minuten mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln von der Schule entfernt. Die Gastfamilie bietet dazu ein preisgünstige Verpflegung an, die einen Einblick in die lokale Küche verschafft. Bitte informieren Sie uns im Voraus, falls Sie aus religiösen oder gesundheitlichen Gründen einen bestimmten Ernährungsplan benötigen sollten. Die Buchung Ihrer Unterkunft beginnt am Sonntag bevor Ihr Sprachkurs beginnt und endet am Samstag nachdem Ihr Sprachkurs endet, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Mehr über der Gastfamilie erfahren
Single room in shared apartment - To be paid in person upon arrival
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast - To be paid in person upon arrival
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner-To be paid in person upon arrival
Leider können wir für Sie kein Visum beantragen. Falls Sie ein Visum benötigen, kann Ihnen die Schule alle nötigen Unterlagen einschließlich der Annahmebestätigung und Quittung über die Zahlung der Gebühren zuschicken.
Ihre Buchungsbestätigung wird kostenfrei per Post an Ihre Heimatadresse geschickt. Wenn Sie Ihre Unterlagen per Express-Versand erhalten möchten, werden Ihnen 50 € bei der Anmeldung in Rechnung gestellt.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Florenz based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.
Haben Sie noch Fragen? Erhalten Sie Antworten von unseren Sprachreisenberatern und den Mitarbeitern und früheren Studenten des Istituto Il David.
Frage stellenIstituto Il David