Russian Language Academy BORN
Raina bulvaris 31 - 5/15, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
Russian Language Academy BORN
1 free week for every 1 week purchased for some courses from 1-1 weeks until 18 Apr 2025 Show details »
Dieser Kurs wird für motivierte Teilnehmer angeboten, die ihre Zeit in Lettland intensiv der Russischen Sprache widmen wollen.
Neben dem Gruppenprogramm, können Sie einen unserer Language-Plus-Kurse belegen: Business Russisch, Russische Musik, Russische Literatur, Individual Russisch Kurs, TRKI / TELC Prüfungsvorbereitung.
Check the Study Abroad program with the possibility to earn credit points for your home university, as well as the Long-Term Russian course for extensive studies, price reduction opportunities and other benefits.
Mindestteilnahmezeit: 1 Woche;
Beginn: jeden Montag;
Stufen: Anfänger bis Mittelstufe.
4 bis 8 Teilnehmer pro Gruppe (im Sommer bis zu 10), vorwiegend 5 Teilnehmer in einer Gruppe.
Hören, Sprechen, Aussprache, Lesen, Schreiben, Wortschatz, Grammatik und Aktivitäten
Russian Language Academy bietet keine Sprachreisen während der oben genannten Ferienzeit an, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Starttermin aus.
Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.
Durchschnitt | 4 Studenten |
Maximum | 10 Studenten |
Altersdurchschnitt | 16 Jahre und älter |
Durchschnitt | 35 Jahre alt (25 im Sommer) |
Beginne von der ersten Stunde an Russisch zu sprechen! Genießen Sie das visafreie europäische Reiseziel und alles, was Lettland zu bieten hat - Jugendstilarchitektur, Küste Jurmala, Burgen, Geschichte und einzigartige Natur!
Die Mission der Russischen Sprachakademie Durbe ist es, Ihre Sprachentwicklung durch alle vier Sprachbereiche zu fördern: Lesen, Schreiben, Sprechen und Hören, um Ihren Wortschatz, Ihre Grammatik und Ihre Sprachstrukturen zu erweitern. RLA Durbe verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im internationalen Sprachtourismus. Es ist vom lettischen Ministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft anerkannt und ein akkreditiertes Mitglied von EAQUALS. Die EAQUALS-Akkreditierung ermöglicht es uns, auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik zu sein und garantiert höchste Qualität.
International anerkannte Schule
Zentral gelegen
Kleine Klassen
Einfacher Buchungsprozess
Individuelle Vorgehensweise
Ganzjährige Kurse
Es wird ein Praktikum angeboten.
Wir sehen uns in Riga!
Der Nationalitäten- und Altersmix bei Russian Language Academy BORN hängt von den Kursen, Sprachniveaus, und der Saison ab. Das Durchschnittslater ist ganzjährig 35 Jahre. Im Sommer ist das Durchschnittslater 25 Jahre
Russian Language Academy unterrichtet Studenten aus der ganzen Welt, darunter:
Russian Language Academy bietet keine Sprachreisen während der unten genannten Ferienzeit an, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Starttermin aus.
Die Schule befindet sich im Herzen von Riga, der Hauptstadt Lettlands. Die anspruchsvolle Atmosphäre von Eleganz und architektonischer Schönheit umgibt uns! Auf der anderen Straßenseite befinden sich die Nationaloper in die eine Richtung und der zentrale Bahnhof und Busbahnhof in die andere. Einen Block entfernt befindet sich das Hauptgebäude der Universität von Lettland und gegenüber dem Park befindet sich der historische Stadtteil der Altstadt. Wir haben auch das Glück, ein großes Einkaufszentrum, "Origo", in der Nähe zu haben, in dem unsere Schüler alles finden, was sie während ihres Sprachaufenthalts brauchen: von Schreibwaren über Restaurants bis hin zu Cafés und Einkaufszentren.
Die Schule befindet sich im dritten Stock eines historischen Gebäudes. Unser Gebäude verfügt über 10 helle Klassenzimmer, die alle mit der notwendigen Lerntechnologie ausgestattet sind. Wir haben einen Selbstlernzimmer, eine Bibliothek und kostenloses Wi-Fi für Studenten; in der Studentenlounge finden Sie verschiedene Tees und Kaffee zu Ihrem Vergnügen und mehrere Wasserspender zu Ihren Diensten. Die Studierenden können den Selbstlernzimmer und die Bibliothek für Lernzwecke und soziale Kommunikation nutzen.
I had an excellent teacher (Andrei) who really helped improve my confidence while speaking. I greatly improved my comprehension skills, because he talked to us solely in Russian. We usually did one grammar lesson every day or every two days, and then did activities to help make us use that knowledge. During every class, everyone could chime in and use their newfound knowledge. We usually ended class with a game or fun activity to make us enjoy speaking Russian.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...I was in a language course for teachers in July for one week. Teacher and classes were very beneficial and good. Schools location was excellent - in the city center near the Old town. We had one extra activity during the week - an Old city tour. Our quide was excellent. I stayed in a russian-speking family during my staying in Riga. I liked i t a lot and it really helped me to improve my language skills. I really recommend language course for teachers!
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...The school is in a great environment to learn Russian in as the classes are organised in a way that you are with people of a similar ability to you and it is very easy to move classes to fit your level. The teachers are also extremely patient when you are struggling and the classes are always challenging without being overwhelming. Overall, I felt my confidence speaking Russian and my understanding of the topic we covered (verbs of motion) improved during my two weeks at the school.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...After finishing my second year of online Russian evening classes with a local university I decided to try a week course with the 10 extra group sessions at the Russian language Academy Durbe in Riga and booked a hotel for my time there. Prior to arriving I had a phone call to test my Russian skills and was provided with information about the school, how to locate it, what time to arrive and their policies. Once I had arrived in Latvia the language school was located in an easily accessible place with a couple of minutes walk to a nearby mall, train station and other public transport. The school is easy to find following the guidance on the documentation on the documents sent prior to my arrival.
The staff were welcoming and I was given an introduction to the school and informed there is a once a week free excursion to be given a 2 hour tour of the city in Russian, which was actually moved until later in the day so more people could attend, which I was grateful for as I had classes all day. The lessons themselves were well structured and I was provided with a textbook to follow along with during class which has the tasks for home work given at the end of each days lessons. Instruction by the teacher was given initially in Russian at A2 level and further explanations were in many cases provided with gesticulation/ body movement (for verbs of motion), then pictorial answers. If an understanding could not be gained then a brief English explanation was given. The task given involved games, verbal answers, and brief written exercises. Upon Joining the class I found the Russian only approach very challenging, but within 3 days I was settling in and my listening comprehension increased very rapidly due to the easily understood explanations and engaging lessons.
I found the school to be really accommodating as I initially struggled as it was the first time primarily being taught in Russian and I found the pace quick including the group lesson, however, the school tailored my additional lessons quickly arranging one to one lessons to support me and these helped me keep up in class and by the end of the week I felt so much more comfortable in the language and wished I had booked more time there!
The school also advertised additional excursions you could attend throughout the week at a cost and also advertised local events such as the church tour and the beer festival which was a really good opportunity to socialise with people I had met on the course and try local produce.
Overall I would highly recommend this school to anyone learning Russian, the staff are welcoming, accommodating and have a wealth of information on activities to do locally in your free time, I will be back for a longer time to study in the future.
Everything at Durbe School went according to plan. The staff and teachers are excellent people and professionals. After the course, I have improved my speaking skills in the Russian language.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...To start with the location of the school, it couldn´t be better, it was close to almost all the important places including the railway and bus stations, right in the centre of the town. It was convenient during the lunch break, too.
As for the school, I found the school stuff very kind and helping, always in a good mood and ready to solve all your problems.
My teacher was highly professional - one of the best I have ever had in my life.
Facilities were quite satisfying, there was everything that we needed. I personally prefered individual activities with some other students and it was good.
As for the housing I was very pleased to stay in such a beautiful house with a very nice lady of my age, It was a good oportunity
to talk to her in Russian, she helped me a lot to improve the language.
At first I could only understand a few Russian words, as I had learned it by myself. I had never heard Russian spoken at a normal speed. I really thought I could never adapt to the level, but I persevered and after the second day, I was able to understand it a lot more even though all the explanations were given in Russian.
Speaking in a foreign language was forbidden in class, which is a good idea because we were obliged to speak in Russian.
Just after one week(18 hours), I was able to understand much better, to answer and to communicate in Russian in basic daily conversations.
It was a very good experience, I should probably had studied more outside after class, I only studied about an hour and a half every day.
The teacher was very professional and very helpful.
I was only there for a week so I started in the middle of the course and it was difficult to adapt because the others students had been there for weeks. Given that the teacher had already covered three quarters of the book, it would have been useful to have had the manual before the beginning of the course.
I really felt I made good progress in just a week and I am really glad I did it.
The classes were small so I got a lot of practice speaking. Any problem that came up with my residence or anything was dealt with immediately by the school's staff. Riga is a safe and easy city to go around.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...I really liked my teacher, and it was good we had the same teacher every day, so you didn't have to get to know another teacher each day.
Another positive aspect was the little bit of homework we got each day, because this way the things we learned in the morning were able to settle a little more.
The location of the school is perfect, it is right next to the train station, and it only took 2 minutes to get to the old city center.
While I do believe this school can provide appropriate instruction for true Russian language beginners, they have some very skilled instructors that can help those who are familiar with the language perfect their linguistic abilities. The intensive one on one instruction offered in the afternoons is excellent for those quickly looking to pick up a language.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Gastfamilien werden sorgfältig ausgesucht und bieten die Möglichkeit, mehr über eine fremde Kultur während des Sprachaufenthalts zu erfahren. Die Gastfamilien sind meist 30 - 60 Minuten mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln von der Schule entfernt. Die Gastfamilie bietet dazu ein preisgünstige Verpflegung an, die einen Einblick in die lokale Küche verschafft. Bitte informieren Sie uns im Voraus, falls Sie aus religiösen oder gesundheitlichen Gründen einen bestimmten Ernährungsplan benötigen sollten. Die Buchung Ihrer Unterkunft beginnt am Sonntag bevor Ihr Sprachkurs beginnt und endet am Samstag nachdem Ihr Sprachkurs endet, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Mehr über der Gastfamilie erfahren
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Executive Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Executive Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Wohnheime sind optimal für alle, die eine erschwingliche Unterkunft wollen, die Unabhängigkeit und Flexibilität schätzen und denen eine international Atmosphäre besonders wichtig ist. Das Mindestalter für die Wohnheime ist 18 - 100, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Die Buchung Ihrer Unterkunft beginnt am Sonntag bevor Ihr Sprachkurs beginnt und endet am Samstag nachdem Ihr Sprachkurs endet, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Wohnheime beinhalten meist keine Verpflegung. Mehr über die Wohnheime erfahren
Student residence (on-campus) - Single-person room (ensuite) - No meals
Es ist möglich, während Ihres Sprachreisenaufenthalts in einer Mietswohnung unterzukommen, dies ist jedoch meistens kostenintensiver. Russian Language Academy bietet Hilfe an, ein Mietswohnung zu finden oder Sie können sich auch selbst eine Mietswohnung suchen.
Shared Flat - Single-person room - No meals
Leider können wir für Sie kein Visum beantragen. Falls Sie ein Visum benötigen, kann Ihnen die Schule alle nötigen Unterlagen einschließlich der Annahmebestätigung und Quittung über die Zahlung der Gebühren zuschicken.
Ihre Buchungsbestätigung wird kostenfrei per Post an Ihre Heimatadresse geschickt. Wenn Sie Ihre Unterlagen per Express-Versand erhalten möchten, werden Ihnen 100 € bei der Anmeldung in Rechnung gestellt.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Riga based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.
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Frage stellenRussian Language Academy BORN