General Spanish

Colombia Spanish



Hören, Sprechen, Aussprache, Lesen, Schreiben, Wortschatz, Grammatik und Aktivitäten


1-52 Wochen
Jeden Montag
Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche
20 lessons per week (jede Kurseinheit entspricht 55 Minuten)
Montag - Freitag


You can choose from the following class times:

09:00 - 13:00

Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.


General Spanish Course - 20 Hours Per Week

Course Description:
Our General Spanish Course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and immersive learning experience. With 20 hours of instruction per week, this course offers 4 hours of engaging and interactive classes each day. It is suitable for students of all proficiency levels, from beginners to advanced speakers, and focuses on developing the four key language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Course Features:
- Intensive Learning: 4 hours of instruction per day, Monday through Friday, ensures rapid progress and thorough understanding of the Spanish language.
- Qualified Instructors: Our experienced and certified teachers use a communicative approach to make learning effective and enjoyable.
- Cultural Immersion: To complement classroom learning, we offer a variety of cultural activities, including free dance classes and language exchange programs. These activities provide students with additional opportunities to practice their Spanish in real-life contexts and immerse themselves in Colombian culture.
- Interactive Lessons: Classes are designed to be interactive and dynamic, with a focus on real-life communication and practical language use.
- Small Class Sizes: With small class sizes, students receive personalized attention and tailored instruction to meet their individual needs.

Additional Activities:
- Language Exchange Programs: Participate in language exchange sessions with native Spanish speakers to enhance conversational skills and cultural understanding.
- Dance Classes: Enjoy free dance lessons to learn traditional Colombian dances like salsa and cumbia, adding a fun and lively element to your learning experience.
- Other Cultural Activities: Engage in various cultural activities that provide deeper insights into local customs and traditions, enriching your overall learning experience.

This course is perfect for those who wish to learn Spanish intensively while experiencing the vibrant culture of Medellín. Join us and take your Spanish skills to the next level in a supportive and enriching environment where complimentary cultural activities like Language exchange, Bachata, Yoga, Cooking, and Salsa classes await.

Elevate your learning experience to new heights as you not only master Spanish but also dance to its rhythms, savor its flavors, and immerse yourself in its rich cultural tapestry. Join us for an unforgettable journey where every class is an opportunity to learn, grow, and embrace the beauty of the Spanish language and culture!.

Niveau des Sprachkurses

Alle Sprachniveaus, Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene


Durchschnitt 4 Studenten
Maximum 6 Studenten

Alter der Sprachschüler

Altersdurchschnitt 6 - 75 Jahre alt
Durchschnitt 27 Jahre alt
(32 im Sommer)


Ein Zertifikat wird am Ende des Sprachkurses ausgestellt.


  • Eingang von Colombia Spanish 1/22
  • Gebäude von Colombia Spanish 2/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 3/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 4/22
  • Sprachschüler von Colombia Spanish 5/22
  • Gebäude von Colombia Spanish 6/22
  • Gebäude von Colombia Spanish 7/22
  • Gebäude von Colombia Spanish 8/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 9/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 10/22
  • Gebäude von Colombia Spanish 11/22
  • Klassenzimmer von Colombia Spanish 12/22
  • Gebäude von Colombia Spanish 13/22
  • Gebäude von Colombia Spanish 14/22
  • Gebäude von Colombia Spanish 15/22
  • Klassenzimmer von Colombia Spanish 16/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 17/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 18/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 19/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 20/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 21/22
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Colombia Spanish 22/22


Leider können wir für Studenten kein Visum beantragen.

Flüge und Flughafentransfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Medellín based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.

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