International House: Cape Town
35 Wale Street, Cape Town, Western Cape 8001, South Africa
International House: Cape Town
Die Energieindustrie beschäftigt Menschen weltweit. International House Cape Town berücksichtig, dass Englisch auch in nicht Englisch sprechenden Ländern die Sprache ist, die im Arbeitsalltag hauptsächlich genutzt wird. Der Kurs setzt voraus, dass die Teilnehmer ein grundlegendes Level in Englisch vorweisen und ist besonders für Teilnehmer, die ihr technisches Englisch ausbauen möchten geeignet. Durch den Kurs wird es den Teilnehmern möglich sein mit Mitarbeitern und Vorgesetzten selbstbewusst und sachorientiert zu kommunizieren. Der Kurs bietet die notwendigen Sprachkenntnisse für praktische Aufgaben und die Kommunikation am Arbeitsplatz an:
Vokabeln sind von gröβter Bedeutung, wenn man Englisch in einer technischen Umgebung benutzt. Das Augenmerk wird auf spezielle technische Ausdrücke und Begriffe gelegt, wie Abkürzungen und umgangssprachliche Ausdrücke, die speziell in der Energieindustrie verwendet werden. Halb-fachliche Ausdrücke werden in einen verständlichen und nachvollziehbaren Kontext gerückt, um eine richtige Verwendung sicherzustellen.
Aufgaben zur Sprachfähigkeitsentwicklung simulieren Kommunikationssituationen des echten Lebens. Dazu gehören das Beschreiben von Geräten und Berufen, Informationen über diese zu geben, Anweisungen und Warnungen angemessen zu formulieren und Diskussionen über Probleme am Arbeitsplatz zu führen. Dies wird durch Rollenspiele und Informationslückenaufgaben geübt, bei denen Informationen vom Partner erfragt werden müssen.
Schriftliche Aufgaben motivieren die Studierenden ihr Wissen über hilfreiche Redewendungen und verschiedene Textarten, wie zum Beispiel Unfallanzeigemeldungen, schriftliche Notizen und Anleitungen zu erweitern. Schriftliche Übungen sollen den Wortschatz und grammatikalische Strukturen verfestigen.
Grammatikalische Strukturen werden entsprechend den Bedürfnissen der Studierenden durchgenommen. Bereiche wie der Imperativ, um Befehle und Anweisungen geben zu können, werden besprochen, damit die Teilnehmer auf Situationen im echten Leben vorbreitet sind. Ih Cape Town legt Wert darauf, dass Teilnehmer dieses Angebotes im Erkennen von Strukturen unterstützt werden und nicht einfach nur Regeln auswendig lernen, die in der Praxis wenig allgemeinen Nutzen haben. Teilnehmer werden ermutigt Muster zu erkennen, zu übertragen und somit lösungsorientiert zu nutzen.
Lese- und Hörverstehen wird durch Aufgaben entwickelt, die das Lernen mit authentischen und vereinfachten authentischen Texte beinhalten. Hörtexte bereiten die Studierenden auf die Kommunikation mit Muttersprachlern und Fremdsprachlern vor, indem Aufnahmen mit verschiedenen Akzenten und regionalen Variationen verwendet werden.
Für wen ist dieser Kurs?
Dieser Kurs ist für Ingenieure oder Techniker, die auf einer Bohrinsel oder auf einem Naturgasfeld arbeiten, so wie für Personal, das im petrochemischen oder weiterem Energiesektor arbeitet. Dies schlieβt auch Personal, das in Workshops, Laboren, Büros und generellem Transport arbeitet mit ein.
Startdatum: Auf Anfrage
Dauer: 2 bis 8 Wochen
Unterrichtsstunden per Woche: 23 Stunden
Mindestenglischlevel: Upper Intermediate +
Maximale Schüleranzahl pro Klasse: 12 Schüler
Standard Englisch
8.30 am – 10.30 am oder 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
Montag – Freitag
Englisch für Ingenieure
12.40 pm – 2.40 pm oder 2.40 pm – 4.40 pm
Montag – Donnerstag
PSP Zeit
8.30 am – 4.40 pm
Montag bis Freitag
1 Stunde pro Tag
Alle Kursmaterialien
Persönliches Studienprogramm
Unbegrenztes kostenloses Internet im Schulgebäude
Zugang zu freiem Englisch Onlinekurs durch Net Languages und Ih World
Teilnahme am Sozialprogramm von Ih Cape Town
Reduzierte Preise für lokale Restaurants, Gesundheits- und Fitnessclubs
Was ist das Persönliche Studienprogramm?
PSP ist/ gibt…
Geleitetes und überwachtes Lernen
Flexibel und an individuelle Bedürfnisse angepasst
Die Möglichkeit für Schüler zusammen zu arbeiten
Unterstützung durch eine groβe Vielfalt an Aktivitäten und Hilfsmitteln
Bis zu 20 Minuten 1:1 mit dem Lehrer pro Woche
Zeit mit qualifizierten Lehrern
Eine Gelegenheit für spezialisierte Englischbereiche (Business, Luftfahrt, Prüfungsvorbereitung etc.)
PSP ist kein/e…
Ungeleitetes und unorganisiertes Selbstzugriff auf die Lernmaterialien
Fester vom Lehrer vorgeschriebener Lernplan
Isolierte Stunde fuer individuelle Arbeit
Reines Computer basiertes Programm
Tägliches 1:1 (das Verhältnis ist normalerweise y 1:6-8)
Programm welches von untrainierten Lehrern überwacht wird
Geschlossener Gruppenunterricht des generellen Englischkurses
Warum die Veränderung?
Der neue Stundenplan zielt auf eine generell verbesserte “ Schülererfahrung” durch soziale Lernbreiche ab. Neben dem Lernen im Klassenkontext, wird dies erreicht, indem:
● Gelegenheiten für Interaktion mit einer gröβeren Anzahl an Schülern und Lehrern geschaffen werden
● Den Schülern ein persönliches Studienprogramm bereitgestellt wird, dass sich auf ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse anpasst ohne ihnen 1:1 Unterricht zu geben
● Den Schülern durch die Entwicklung von unabhänigigen Lernfähigkeiten ermöglicht wird ihre eigenen Ziele so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen
● Eine groβe Vielfalt an gedruckten und digitalen Lernmaterialen und Hilfsmitteln angeboten werden
● Der Zugriff zur Einrichtung und zum Personal durch die Einführung von einem flexibleren Stundenplan verbessert wird.
Hören, Sprechen, Aussprache, Lesen, Schreiben, Wortschatz und Grammatik
International House: Cape Town bietet keine Sprachreisen während der oben genannten Ferienzeit an, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Starttermin aus.
Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.
Durchschnitt | 9 Studenten |
Maximum | 12 Studenten |
Altersdurchschnitt | 16 Jahre und älter |
Durchschnitt | 24 Jahre alt (22 im Sommer) |
International House: Cape Town befindet sich im Herzen von Kapstadt und ist einer der beliebtesten Schulen in Südafrika. Die Schule ist spezialisiert auf Englisch Kurse für ausländische Sprachschüler, wie Sie und existiert seit 2009. Die Klasengröße der Schule ist sehr klein (maximal 14 Sprachschüler) und alle Lehrer sind Englisch Muttersprachler. Sie haben auch sehr freundliche Lehrer und Mitarbeiter, die sich während Ihres Aufenthaltes gut um Sie kümmern werden.
Der Nationalitäten- und Altersmix bei International House: Cape Town hängt von den Kursen, Sprachniveaus, und der Saison ab. Das Durchschnittslater ist ganzjährig 24 Jahre. Im Sommer ist das Durchschnittslater 22 Jahre
International House: Cape Town unterrichtet Studenten aus der ganzen Welt, darunter:
International House: Cape Town bietet keine Sprachreisen während der unten genannten Ferienzeit an, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Starttermin aus.
If I had the opportunity to stay and continue studying English at this school, I would not hesitate to say yes.
I saw teachers interested in conveying information to each student for the first time. I would describe the teachers: energy and attention to each student. My teacher Nina always gave us very creative homework - it was entertaining. PSP (personal study program) - special thanks for this, says "bye" to the conversational barrier, allows you to speak out and hear people's views from different countries on the same things. It's a creative learning approach and always gets feedback from teachers on what you need to work on in your speaking.
On the first day, an excursion from the beautiful Jaslyn about safety in a new city and convenient locations near the school. She helped with the schedule and organized a tour in the blink of an eye.
I picked up housing on my own near the school, so I felt safer in a new country for me.
It was the best adventure of my life. I adapted to a new country and finally communicated with people from different countries, and I found friends. I realized that the world is much bigger and more beautiful and completely different than we can imagine, living in our routine. And knowing English is an essential skill that made it possible for me. I am glad that I finally understood why I studied English in my city, and now I learn it with a greater understanding of why and more love. Thanks, International school!
Dear Elena
WOW! Thank you SO very much for this incredible review! Students like you, are what makes what we do, worth while. Thank you for noticing the dedication and passion that our staff and teachers bring to the school every day.
We are always so happy to hear that we were able to contribute, even in the smallest way, to someone's journey and growth!
We wish you only the best Elena, you know we will always be here for you!
At International House it doesn't matter if you have a different age, different religion, different culture,... At IH you're just one big family. You get the chance to meet new people from all over the world, to discover magical Cape Town with them and most important, whilst improving your English language. The school is situated in the heart of Sea Point which offers a great outdoor-vibe as it's 2min away from the beach and the Pavilion Swimming Pool. Even from the terrace you have a magnificent view of the Atlantic AND Lion's Head. The school is also close to supermarkets, coffee shops & Mojo Market, which is really useful if the students wants to buy a little snack or drink while they are at school. In other words, the location couldn't be better. On the other hand, the teachers are always friendly and willing to help the students, no matter what. When you have some problems the whole team is ready to help the student. They try to engage all the students to participate at their Social Vibes, which offers the students the possibility to discover Cape Town together with fellow students and the staff. I can honestly say that it is a great school to study English and discover one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It really feels like home.
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Thanks a million for the superb and extremely detailed review. We love what you said about IH being a family. It is very important to us that all students feel welcome and make friends quickly but lasting. We are very happy to hear how much of a great time you had and that you maximised your experience in Cape Town with all the great trips and tours that are offered. Keep the memories alive and otherwise, come back ;) All the best of luck for the future.
I really enjoyed my stay at International House Cape Town, the teachers are great, really good, professional, experienced and they were always available and patient whenever I needed. Thanks to them I really improved my language skills. At IH Cape Town all the students have 1 hr PSP every day, in the beginning, I thought it was a bit pointless but then I definitely changed my mind, during PSP I had the opportunity to study in detail topics that for me were really difficult to understand. The school is amazing, the staff is always smiling and ready to help whatever I needed. They also have this beautiful terrace where you can enjoy a fantastic panorama of the ocean and of the mountains, I really enjoyed my free time there. So, in the end, I had a great time there, I felt so sad when I had to leave. I definitely recommend this school to anyone: you can improve your English and have a great, safe wonderful experience in Cape Town.
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Many many thanks for this amazing and detailed review about your time with us at IH Cape Town. It is always so great to hear how much people enjoy South Africa, Cape Town and our school. We are also very glad that you actually found the Personal Study Program very helpful. It is very different to most schools but it is a great modern approach which is very beneficial for the students if they put their mind to it.
It was great having you here and we hope you will be back one day. Greetings and all the best!
I have been working as an intern for three and a half months and it has been an absolutely life-changing experience gaining insights in cultural differences and how to approach them in a marketing perspective which was really interesting. I will return to Belgium as a more globally minded marketer. I would love to thank all the staff and students for making this a memorable chapter of my life!
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Hey Kenneth,
Thanks so much for your review. We are very grateful for all the hard work you have done during your internship at IH Cape Town and how well you integrated.
We know you had a great time in Cape Town and used all the opportunities to enjoy this city to its fullest. All the best to you and we hope to see you again :)
As I said, I appreciated my learning of English at IH Cape town. Teachers were always ready to assist me for any issue regarding my understanding of lessons and also I have lot appreciated interaction with others students from others countries. There were many activities also visiting table mountain for example. And, I'd like the availability of my host family during my stay.
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Hi Franck,
Thank you so much for your lovely review. We are very happy you enjoyed your time at IH so much and had a great experience with your course and teachers. It was a pleasure having you here and we hope to see you again. All the best!
I studied only 2 weeks, but it was fantastic!
Experienced teachers and friendly atmosphere helped me a lot to refresh my English and to brake the barriers of speaking.
Thank you!!!
Well regarding my classes and teachers, my experience was the best because they were never boring or made me feel so tired that I could not stand it anymore.
The location is perfect because is 2 minutes walking from ih to the beach, and I really the ocean and nearby there are many shops and restaurants, so it’s just perfect.
Facilities: the staff is always helpful and ready to guide you, they always have great recommendations to give about everything.
I have nothing to say about the activities because it was like super super super fantastic all the time for me.
I didn’t accommodation from ih so I can not speak about that from my experience but don’t remember any of my friends complaining about it.
I took a four-week intensive course at the International House Cape Town. I am very satisfied and would like to highly recommend this school.
Dedicated teachers taught me not only English but also the culture and history of this rainbow nation. In addition, thanks to friendly students from all over the world, I learned unique ideas and different points of view. Lessons were very helpful to improve my language skills, and extracurricular activities were very exciting.
I am confident that your experience here will be your treasure for life!
I really liked the location, teacher (Sebastian) and etc
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Thank you so much for your great feedback. We are happy, that you had a great time at International House Cape Town and especially liked the classes of teacher Sebastian. It is always nice to hear.
All the best from the Ih Cape Town Team :)
I have been at international house for 6 months and I enjoyed it very much.
First when I came I couldn't talk English not a single word but after my 6 months here , I can speak better English than before and thanks to all my teachers at International House.
They have helped me a lot , so thank you International House and I hope I can come in the future to improve my English.
Note: my writing still bad but I'm trying to make it better and sorry if I made any mistakes.
Thanks a lot
Thanks so much for the nice review! We are very glad to hear that you had such a good time at Ih Cape Town and that you already have improved your English! Wish you all the best in the future!
When I arrived, I was not able to speak properly and there was many things that I didn't know. I started in Elementary and my English improved. I have finished in upper-intermediate and I am able now to be clear in my speaking, writing etc . The most important is your own effort, because , a teacher can be everything so that you can learn , but if you neglect, you will not learn as far as you could . I liked the classes , because the teachers take time to explain clearly, you feel how much they like and enjoy teaching. The school is also located in a good area near some banks , and other things easy to reach that could help a person who is new in the city. There are a lot of facilities and activities , I don't know if you can be bored. It is also a way to visit Cape -Town at the same time, you are learning and practicing English. IH also helps students with their accommodations and their house family. What I did not like is (maybe because I am a greed person), IH doesn't give bakeries on break time, it could be fine! Even a doughnut.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Thank you so much for the nice words! We are glad to hear that you have improved your English and liked the school. The IH Cape Town team wishes you all the best for the future. Hope to see you again!
I am a real estate lawyer in Berlin (Germany), I took a three-weeks full day course in business English and real estate English. The teachers were excellent, the school facilities and equipment are of top quality, incl. digital whiteboards etc. Everything is well organised but still flexible and with understanding for individual needs and situations. The program for the evenings and weekends is very attractive and not just for "young pupils". I am with IH the third time now and can only recommend International House to everyone who wants to seriously improve his English and do this in a nice city with good weather.
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Thanks so much for the really nice review! We are very glad that you had such a good time at Ih Cape Town and enjoyed your stay at school and the city.
We would love to see you again some time soon!
Well, it's a big a challenge for me to describe how I feel about Ih Cape Town, because I've been here over 1/5 years so Ih is literally part of my family and all I'd like to say about Ih Cape Town is you should try to study at Ih Cape Town cos the facilities and quality of education is so high and the location of the school is brilliant cos we close to the all attractions places.
Actually I stayed at school's accommodation for first few months and honestly I found it very reasonable because they gave me such a good service which was great for me.
Thanks so much for your nice review! Good to hear you had a great time in Cape Town and were satisfied with the accommodation. We wish you all the best for the future!
The classes were very amazing and useful in improving my language skills. The location was also excellent.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Thank you for the nice words, Marta. We really enjoyed having you here. Ih Cape Town wishes you all the best for the future!
The school is located in the beautiful area of Sea Point in Cape Town. The school is new, well-organized, and has a methodology based on multimedia.
The teachers are excellent, polite and prepared.
Thank you so much for your review, Simone. We trust you had enjoyed your stay with us and we hope to see you again sometime soon. Keep well.
I believe there is anything that I did not like in IH. The localization is perfect, the teachers are really polite and friendly, and the structure of the classes is modern and dynamic too. In my opinion I think that I could improve a lot my English, to the point of considering myself a fluent English speaker.
I hope I can go back to Cape Town as soon as possible! What IH gave me were incredible things about culture, and fun in an African country. I cannot describe only with words. :) Thanks to every teacher, director and functionary from there, for showing me this awesome place!
Thank you so much for your kindly words. We are really glad to hear you had a great time here and we hope you will come back again!
I have no words for my experience in Cape Town – ZA, especially in International House. I’d like to say that I have improved my English studying there and made friends. It was the best experience ever. It was a huge pleasure to be part of IH Cape Town for this short period. Thank you guys for this amazing experience.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Thanks for your nice review! We are happy to hear that you had a great experience and that you choose for IH Cape Town. Wish you all the best for the future!
My personal experience in Cape Town was wonderful . I liked that the class was multi-racial. Teachers were very good. Location, and facilities, activities, and housing were perfect.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Thank you for the good review, Princilia. It was a pleasure having you at the school. Well done on finishing your course. The IH Cape Town team wishes you all the best for the future. Hope to see you again!
Gastfamilien werden sorgfältig ausgesucht und bieten die Möglichkeit, mehr über eine fremde Kultur während des Sprachaufenthalts zu erfahren. Die Gastfamilien sind meist 5 - 30 Minuten mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln von der Schule entfernt. Die Gastfamilie bietet dazu ein preisgünstige Verpflegung an, die einen Einblick in die lokale Küche verschafft. Bitte informieren Sie uns im Voraus, falls Sie aus religiösen oder gesundheitlichen Gründen einen bestimmten Ernährungsplan benötigen sollten. Die Buchung Ihrer Unterkunft beginnt am Sonntag bevor Ihr Sprachkurs beginnt und endet am Samstag nachdem Ihr Sprachkurs endet, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Mehr über der Gastfamilie erfahren
Homestay, bed & breakfast, single room with shared bathroom
Homestay, bed & breakfast, single room with private bathroom
Homestay, half-board, single room with shared bathroom
Homestay, half-board, single room with private bathroom
Wohnheime sind optimal für alle, die eine erschwingliche Unterkunft wollen, die Unabhängigkeit und Flexibilität schätzen und denen eine international Atmosphäre besonders wichtig ist. Das Mindestalter für die Wohnheime ist 16+, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Die Buchung Ihrer Unterkunft beginnt am Sonntag bevor Ihr Sprachkurs beginnt und endet am Samstag nachdem Ihr Sprachkurs endet, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Mehr über die Wohnheime erfahren
Student Lodge - Dormitory 8 bed (Shared Bath)
Student Lodge - Dormitory 4-6 bed (Shared bathroom)
Student Lodge - Twin Room (Shared bathroom)
Student Lodge - Twin Room (Private bathroom)
Student Lodge - Single Room (Shared bathroom)
Student Lodge - Single Room (Private bathroom)
Es ist möglich, während Ihres Sprachreisenaufenthalts in einer Mietswohnung unterzukommen, dies ist jedoch meistens kostenintensiver. International House: Cape Town bietet Hilfe an, ein Mietswohnung zu finden oder Sie können sich auch selbst eine Mietswohnung suchen.
Student Apartments - Single room - Private bathroom and Kitchenette, Self-Catering
Student Apartments - Executive Studio - Private bathroom and Kitchenette, Self-Catering
Leider können wir für Sie kein Visum beantragen. Falls Sie ein Visum benötigen, kann Ihnen die Schule alle nötigen Unterlagen einschließlich der Annahmebestätigung und Quittung über die Zahlung der Gebühren zuschicken.
Ihre Buchungsbestätigung wird kostenfrei per Post an Ihre Heimatadresse geschickt.
Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Cape Town International (CPT).
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Kapstadt based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.
Haben Sie noch Fragen? Erhalten Sie Antworten von unseren Sprachreisenberatern und den Mitarbeitern und früheren Studenten des International House: Cape Town.
Frage stellenInternational House: Cape Town