Executive Training Institute -Malta
ESE Building, Paceville Avenue,, St Julian's, St.Julian's STJ3103,, Malta
Executive Training Institute -Malta
Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.
Target Audience
Teachers of English and other languages who teach in secondary schools or adult education, who would like to refresh their teaching methods and
techniques. Participants need to be at a B1 level of English.
Course Summary
A highly practical one-week training programme which covers a broad span of teaching ideas and activities to enliven lessons and make them more
motivating. This course addresses language teachers and educators in secondary , vocational and adult education sectors.
To enable a better understanding of Language Teaching and expand & build on previous knowledge, using a range of practical methodologies
To introduce new areas of teaching methodologies and accompanying techniques, using hands-on experiential methods
To help teachers reflect on their own teaching methods & contexts & develop teaching skills
To introduce an awareness of technology and ICT in the classroom today
To exchange pedagogical information & knowledge in a multi-cultural context
To further develop participants’ own language skills
To experience the cultural heritage of Malta with its bilingual linguistic environment
The course draws on the EU-funded METHODS project, which resulted from the original project: BP-BLTM Best Practice –Best Language Teaching
Methods Project (BP–BLTM).
Sessions demonstrate current EFL approaches, methodologies & techniques.
An interactive communicative approach is applied, which provides participants with their own experiential learning of the activities & methodologies. Input sessions are in the form of hands-on workshops and involve brainstorming, analysis, problem-solving, and role-play, both in pair work & group work.
Teachers are asked to reflect on the activities, inviting discussion with regard to their own pedagogical knowledge & skills, teaching methods & contexts, and on adaptation of activities to their teaching & learning situations.
Both teaching & learning are explored, analysed and discussed, further enabling the participants’ use of their communication skills in English.
Participants are actively involved in the sessions to maximize their learning and to experience activities from their learners’ point of view.
Participants are also introduced to key websites related to the further development of their teaching skills & personal professional development.
Durchschnitt | 8 Studenten |
Maximum | 12 Studenten |
Altersdurchschnitt | 24 - 75 Jahre alt |
Durchschnitt | 41 Jahre alt |
ETI ist von Stärke zu Stärke gewachsen, da immer mehr Fachleute die Notwendigkeit erkennen, ihr Englisch für bestimmte Zwecke zu entwickeln. Bei ETI bieten wir Ihnen als Professional die Möglichkeit, Ihre professionellen Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu entwickeln und durch die Teilnahme an einem unserer maßgeschneiderten Kurse effektiver zu werden. Egal, ob Sie Ihr Verhandlungsgeschick verbessern möchten oder an einer unserer Lehrerfortbildungen teilnehmen, wir garantieren Ihnen, dass unsere Kurse Ihnen helfen, Ihre Lernziele zu erreichen.
Sprachtraining für Erwachsene und Berufstätige
Wir helfen Menschen, die international arbeiten, zu kommunizieren.
selbstbewusster und effektiver in Englisch.
- Die Kurse konzentrieren sich ganz auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Auszubildenden und das Lernen.
Ziele, damit Sie Ihre Ziele schneller und effizienter erreichen.
- Unsere erfahrenen Trainer kommen aus den unterschiedlichsten beruflichen und geschäftlichen Bereichen, verfügen über eine prestigeträchtige EFL(English as a Foreign Language)-Qualifikation und verfolgen regelmäßig die kontinuierliche berufliche Weiterentwicklung.
- Moderne Lehrmethoden und die neuesten Lehrmittel, einschließlich interaktiver elektronischer Tafeln und internetbasierter Materialien.
- Der Trainingsplan bei ETI gibt Ihnen die Flexibilität, die Anzahl der Kontaktstunden zu wählen, die Sie buchen möchten, und Ihre Englisch- und Sozialkompetenz in einem informellen Rahmen während der Pausen zu üben.
- Alle unsere Kunden können von der Anmeldung bis drei Monate nach Ihrem Kurs von dem Zugang zur Online-Sprachlernplattform ETI E-Flex profitieren.
Das ETI führt außerdem das ganze Jahr über eine Reihe von Lehrerfortbildungsprogrammen durch. Diese werden von einem speziellen Team von Trainern hier bei ETI geleitet. Diese Kurse für Lehrerausbildung können im Rahmen des Programms Erasmus + finanziert werden.
Der Nationalitäten- und Altersmix bei Executive Training Institute -Malta hängt von den Kursen, Sprachniveaus, und der Saison ab. Das Durchschnittslater ist ganzjährig 41 Jahre. Im Sommer ist das Durchschnittslater 41 Jahre
ETI unterrichtet Studenten aus der ganzen Welt, darunter:
ETI bietet keine Sprachreisen während der unten genannten Ferienzeit an, bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Starttermin aus.
ETI operiert von einem modernen, speziell errichteten Trainingszentrum im Herzen von St. Julian's in Malta aus.
Einst ein malerisches Fischerdorf St. Julian's hat sich heute zu einem der begehrtesten Wohn- und Tourismusgebiete Maltas entwickelt. Es ist eine Stadt, die für jedes Alter etwas zu bieten hat. ETI ist zu Fuß zu einer Vielzahl von malerischen Buchten, Restaurants, Hotels, Banken, Bars, einem Yachthafen, Kinos, einer Bowlingbahn und einem Casino erreichbar. Die Spinola-Bucht, gesäumt von Cafés und Restaurants, wird immer noch von Fischern genutzt und bewahrt einige ihrer alten Fischerdörfer mit ihren Bootshäusern und bunten maltesischen Fischerbooten (Luzzu).
The best part of the course was the teacher- patient, funny, kind, energetic.. and and my classmates- I have found 2 new friends from 2 different countries. The content of the course was perfect for me. I have learnt a huge number of apps and programmes which are interesting and inovative. I will definitely use them on my lessons. I appreciate the timing- afternoon we had time to explore Malta, we experienced trips to Valleta, Mdina...with an excellent guide - Mario. Thank the school for that! The price for the trips was fantastic! But... I must complain about one thing. I was in Malta and this institute for the first time, I didn´t know there is an option to be acommodated in the building upstairs. Nobody asked me/told me. I booked Tropicana hotel, which is located nearby, 1minute on foot...excellent location, but! The worst experience. Terrible conditions, dirty, poor breakfast, poor services etc, So please...inform participants about acommodation- where to stay? my classmates were in different hotel, but.. also complained about night bars below their windows, etc. It would be really helful if you help with best places where to stay and where not. THANK YOU,
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Our teacher was wonderful, she was engaging, encouraging, funny, well prepared and did her best to make us students feel comfortable and seen. I learned a lot!
The amount of students in the class was perfect, about 12-ish. The lessons were held at a hotel, which was nice, I would be nicer though if there was a coffee- machine availible as the there was (in my opinion) not enough time to buy drinks during the breaks.
I attended two guided tours, one to Valleta and one to Mdina, and I recommend them both!
I would never have imagined that I would get so much - for me new infomation on ICT skills in just one week. I liked our teacher, Jo Borg, a lot. She was so motivating and full of energy. - The problem was, however, that my IT knowledge was too basic for this course " Boost up your ICT skills in the classroom". I wish I could redo this course at a slower speed.
It's great that Jo has sent us all the documents, apps and information by email so that there is a chance to go over it again. On the other hand, I think I would really like to attend such a course again.
The classes are with good equipment. Teachears are great. I coul understand everything. Location is good, in the centre. I had first week Fluency and speaking lesons, they were useful, it remainded me english grammar, but they were teo ladies with better english then me, so they just tolked and I havent to much space to speak how I wanted. But the second week I have got The Playground Class - I am enjoying it so much. The lector- Lorenza is so great, she teach us nice activities for working with kids, she is amazing how she can give us information with lots of enthusiasm and passion. Big thank you
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Every thing was very well organised, from the airport pick up, to the classes.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...The classes were really great, except the first day, which was filled with theory. But I was tired after long flight so it could be because of that. From the second day on, the classes were really useful, full of new ideas or ideas I knew already with different usage. The teacher was helpful, always very well prepared. We did quite a lot of different activities but sometimes there was not enough time to practice them, nevertheless all of us were teachers so we could easily adopt them to our usage. The location is great not far from the capitol, the sea etc. As I organized my housing by myself I will skip this.
At the first day at school I would rather find my name on a list of names and find my classroom by myself. We had to wait for an hour than Sandra read all the names, which was difficult for her either. I understand that it was also kind of check whether we are all present , but it could have been done in the classrooms. And also in our course prize was included 1 trip and there should be 2 more afternoon activities which were due to covid measurements cancelled, but nobody told us whether they will be refund. Also the computer activities were not as helpful as it could be.
All in all I enjoyed the course, I was happy that I could underwent both weeks of this methodology course, which was not possible before I left.
I am confident that I had great experience at training and it will help me in the future.
Details anzeigen » Weiterlesen...Wohnheime sind optimal für alle, die eine erschwingliche Unterkunft wollen, die Unabhängigkeit und Flexibilität schätzen und denen eine international Atmosphäre besonders wichtig ist. Das Mindestalter für die Wohnheime ist 18 - 81, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Die Buchung Ihrer Unterkunft beginnt am Sonntag bevor Ihr Sprachkurs beginnt und endet am Samstag nachdem Ihr Sprachkurs endet, sofern nicht anders aufgeführt. Wohnheime beinhalten meist keine Verpflegung. Mehr über die Wohnheime erfahren
Student residence (on-campus) - Single-person room - No meals
Es ist möglich, während Ihres Sprachreisenaufenthalts in einer Mietswohnung unterzukommen, dies ist jedoch meistens kostenintensiver. ETI bietet Hilfe an, ein Mietswohnung zu finden oder Sie können sich auch selbst eine Mietswohnung suchen.
Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals
Leider können wir für Sie kein Visum beantragen. Falls Sie ein Visum benötigen, kann Ihnen die Schule alle nötigen Unterlagen einschließlich der Annahmebestätigung und Quittung über die Zahlung der Gebühren zuschicken.
Ihre Buchungsbestätigung wird kostenfrei per Post an Ihre Heimatadresse geschickt.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to St Julian's based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.
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